SCAN Suppliers & Vendors


Are you tired of continuously being audited? Then help promote the Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN) Association!

SCAN will eliminate your audit fatigue by utilizing one agreed upon supply chain security audit to share among their membership of importers that audit suppliers like you every year. This shared audit network will result in audit consistency and lower costs for you as the supplier and the organizations you work with. SCAN is committed to improving supply chain audit efficiencies, and we need your help to do it!

What kind of benefits will the SCAN Association bring me?

The SCAN Association can bring the following benefits to suppliers and factories that participate in the SCAN Audit Program:

  • Fewer frequency of supply chain security audit requests
  • Elimination of audit fatigue
  • Reduced overall audit costs due to fewer audit requests
  • A set standard for supply chain security audit requirements and corrective action plans

What is the Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN) program?

SCAN is an industry trade association that provides a common approach whereby mutually acceptable global compliance standards are achieved to reduce audit and operational redundancy for common supply chain stakeholders.  SCAN is committed to a shared audit program that will benefit global suppliers through fewer audits with consistent standards and expectations and will build upon globally recognized use of best practices.

SCAN is composed of a diverse and progressive group of importers, both large and small that recognize the importance of this program and the benefits realized through participating in a shared audit network.

What does this mean for you?

Program benefits include:

  • One Security Audit report that is accepted by all SCAN Members.
  • A standardized Corrective Action Plan for consistent facility improvement expectations.
  • Support through the Corrective Action process.
  • An automated method to share audit results with SCAN Membership while maintaining confidentiality.
  • An online web-based system for audit and Corrective Action management for suppliers and facilities.
  • Free access to the SCAN Factory and Supplier Training Course.

Important Information regarding SCAN and your participation in a SCAN Audit.

The SCAN Organization is a “not-for-profit” corporation and is dependent upon membership dues only. The SCAN audit, training documents, and related guidance information are all protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws. Sharing the results of this audit with a non-SCAN business partner is prohibited.  SCAN retains the right to impose financial and transactional penalties upon any factory/vendor who knowingly shares an audit result with a “non-SCAN” business partner.

Your SCAN audit report will be available to all SCAN Members that use this facility. Each SCAN member can review the report and determine, based on the overall result, to accept the report instead of asking for another audit.

Your facility has been assigned a unique SCAN ID. Please refer to your notification email for your SCAN ID.

SCAN Security Audit Cadence & Report Validity

The SCAN Audit is valid for one (1) year unless the below criteria are met, in which case the audit will be valid for two (2) years:

  • Your audit compliance score is ≥ (greater than or equal to) 95% AND all Corrective Actions are addressed and approved by SCAN
  • Your audit compliance score is ≥ 85% – 94% AND country security risk is Low, Guarded, or Elevated AND all Corrective Actions are addressed and approved by SCAN

Please note: Under any circumstance listed below, the facility will not be eligible for the two (2) year audit cadence and the audit will be valid for one (1) year:

  • CAPAs are not completed or submitted, the report will be tagged “CAPAs: No responses – Closed
  • CAPA rejected due to the audited facility not submitting sufficient response based on SCAN requirements after three (3) CAPA rounds.  Your score for this question will remain unchanged and the report will be tagged “CAPAs: Partially addressed – Closed
  • Selecting the option “Will not implement/ will not comply with corrective action request” as this indicates acknowledgement of the non-compliance. Your score for this question will remain unchanged and your report will be tagged “CAPAs: Partially addressed – Closed

Request a SCAN Onsite Audit

Click Here

How can I as a supplier participate in the SCAN


Suppliers can either request a SCAN audit on this website (link below) or through one of the current SCAN Members with whom you may already have a relationship. Your completed audit results will post in the repository for SCAN members to review. This will help you save money and time as well as gain potential business by opting in to share your audit within the SCAN Repository.

Why promote the SCAN Association to my other clients?

By promoting your participation in the SCAN Association to clients outside of the membership, you will develop the opportunity to have fewer supply chain security audit requests, eliminate audit fatigue, and reduce overall annual audit costs. Please note that the audit questionnaire may not be shared with anyone outside of the membership.

Please contact the SCAN Program Manager with questions about SCAN or the audit program at:

SCAN Program Administration Team

Phone: +1.747.400.2489

China Phone Line: +852 3001 6798


What happens now?

Before the audit date:

  • Please arrange with the Assigned Service Provider to pay and set a date for your SCAN Security Audit as soon as possible. Payment must be completed to secure the audit date
  • Audit must be completed on or prior to the assigned audit due date
  • The Assigned Service Provider will provide you with a SCAN Pre-Audit Checklist for you to prepare for the audit
  • You will be notified via email to complete the following REQUIRED training prior to the audit day: SCAN Factory and Supplier Training Course
  • The SCAN Factory Security training must be completed prior to your audit date

Audit Fee

The audit company is required to collect a fee before an audit is scheduled.  The audit fee is based on the global location of the facility to audit.

Audit Cancellation, Denied Entry, Rescheduling, Integrity Issues

The audit company may retain payment in these situations:

  • When the audit is canceled within 14 calendar days of the audit’s Scheduled date
  • When an auditor is at the facility on the Scheduled date and is denied entry
  • An audit rescheduled within three days of the Scheduled date is considered the same as canceled. The audit company will retain the audit fee already collected.
  • Any non-compliance with SCAN’s integrity program will result in the facility’s audit results being flagged blocking all distribution of audit results until the facility has provided SCAN with sufficient proof that the issue has been fully remediated.

After the Audit – Next steps – Corrective Actions

Following the audit completion, the completed audit sheet is provided to the SCAN Program Administrator for processing.

  • SCAN’s Program Management Team will review the report and will assign Corrective Actions
  • Corrective Actions will be assigned to all non-compliances found during the audit
  • You will be notified of all Corrective Actions via email within 12 days after the audit date
  • You are expected to respond to all Corrective Actions within 60 days from the date you are notified
  • After you respond to Corrective Actions, SCAN’s Program Management Team will review your responses and will follow up with you if further clarification or documentation is needed
  • If additional clarification or documentation is needed the audit reviewer will provide you an updated due date for responding to the additional request if needed
  • If/When all responses are received and meet the criteria the report will be marked as reviewed and you will be notified via email
  • It is very important that you communicate any concerns regarding the corrective action process or timeline with the SCAN Management team. You can reach the team at